Comments and Feedback

Thanks for providing this information on the planned expansion. I am in favor of expansion of the disposal site. And although the additional six years is helpful, it makes me wonder and worry about what's going to happen when all existing and planned expansion is exhausted. It's going to happen sooner than the community thinks it will, and so I think it's important that this topic enters into the conversation. Especially in light of the fact that approval of a new site takes years, and will certainly involve increased costs to customers. If this is not discussed now, it's likely that you'll be blamed for not preparing the community for the long term; an unfortunate but likely outcome. If you think that it's too soon to begin that part of the conversation, please be prepared for when the time arises.

This landfill should not be expanded. Expand one that is in a drier climate. I will happily pay higher rates to protect the environment.

Has anyone considered just building a new road along the southerly side of property that Republic owns with the approaches on both ends nearly the same location? Just wondering..

Excellent. I am so happy that you plan on continuing operations in an economical and environmentally sustainable fashion. Our community is greatly benefited by the Coffin Butte Landfill, and will continue to do so efficiently for the years to come. Your stewardship of these resources, practices around recycling and composting, and very keen interest in economically and environmentally minimally impactful methodologies has been serving as well. Continue with the good work and I fully support this well-devised plan for expansion.

Multiple things can be true at once: garbage needs to have someplace to go – we cannot wish it away or become a zero-waste society with a snap of our fingers; the landfill has continued to expanded in both acreage and operation beyond what is expected; Benton County cannot and should not bear the burden of the region's waste disposal; Republic (and other waste services) have an obligation do more to reduce waste and increase materials recovery/recycling. It also true that "all environmental laws are/were followed" and harm can still be caused to the environment, particularly when it comes to management from decades ago. While garbage is profitable for them and their shareholders it is not for the rest of us (particularly as our bills go up every single renewal). Do we receive a discount for hosting their garbage parade and the associated smells? More so for nearest neighbors? Do counties who refuse to host their own refuse get surcharged for shipment? Are people who are clearly dumping reclaimable material incurring surcharges?

to all the NIMBY people think about this: we can have a dump in every town, city, county in the state, we have 36 countys in oregon will having Republic buy the land for 36 dumps be cheaper? i dont see how that could be true yes i am sure living next to a dump would suck big time. myself i would not buy a house no where even close to a dump but to think 36 dumps would be better is only thinking of yourself remmeber you have NO control over what someone else does with the land they own. you can vote for your city/county leaders by chocing them your asking them to make decisions FOR you. you can vote them out or live with the decisions they make

Your landfill is at the end of its useful life and needs to be phased out, which was the plan until you changed your mind. You are not a good neighbor. The best way you can serve this community is to permanently close Coffin Butte.

I have no problem with expanding the landfill to better serve the waste needs of our community, but trash should not be shipped into Benton County from outside to be placed in our landfill.

I am concerned about the land/wildlife habitat in my community being used to hold trash from other communities outside of the county.

Two questions regarding the landfill expansion:

1. If the expansion is turned down, where will the trash site relocate?
2. If the trash has to be shipped somewhere else, what estimated monthly cost increase to customers would we likely see?

James Walker